Social Media Policy
The Social Media Policy for Head Above Water establishes guidelines and expectations for the use of social media platforms by employees, volunteers, and representatives of the organization. This policy aims to ensure responsible and professional conduct on social media that aligns with the organization's values and protects its reputation.
Professionalism: All social media interactions must reflect professionalism and respect for others. Employees and volunteers should avoid engaging in inappropriate or offensive behavior, including discriminatory language, harassment, or personal attacks.
Confidentiality: Confidential and sensitive information about clients, donors, or the organization should not be shared on social media platforms. Privacy and confidentiality must be maintained at all times.
Endorsements: Personal opinions shared on social media should be clearly distinguished from official statements on behalf of Head Above Water. Employees and volunteers should avoid endorsing or promoting external products, services, or causes without explicit authorisation.
Accuracy and Truthfulness: When sharing information related to mental health or the organization's activities, accuracy and truthfulness are crucial. Employees and volunteers should verify the information before posting and cite credible sources when appropriate.
Respect for Copyright and Intellectual Property: Users should respect copyright laws and intellectual property rights when posting content on social media. Proper attribution should be given when sharing others' work.
Monitoring and Moderation: Head Above Water reserves the right to monitor and moderate social media activity related to the organization. Inappropriate or non-compliant content may be removed, and individuals responsible may be removed from HAW-driven pages.
7. Personal Responsibility: Employees and volunteers are personally responsible for the content they post on social media. They should be aware that their online presence reflects on the organization and should exercise caution and good judgment when engaging in online discussions or sharing content.
Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment or volunteer status. All individuals associated with Head Above Water are responsible for familiarizing themselves with and adhering to this policy.
By participating in social media activities related to Head Above Water, individuals acknowledge their understanding of this policy and their commitment to representing the organization in a positive and responsible manner.